21 June ? International Yoga Day ????? 30% discount

World Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21st. But why was June 21 selected as the day to commemorate a 6,000-year-old…

Y40 – Why should we dive? Breath, Mind and Soul

Hello everyone, Here we are, on the eve of another splendid retreat and finally with a new article from my blog, you…

Return home. Find what you are longing for ❤️

Buddhist and Yogic philosophies posit that our true nature, our true essence- is pure bliss and joy. The great irony of…

“I give up freely what is no longer serving me. I release it to create space for what inspires me.”

“I give up freely what is no longer serving me. I release it to create space for what inspires me.” Ogni giorno…

Be willing to re-create the standard ? for yourself, for your practice, for your life

Be willing to re-create the standard ? for yourself, for your practice, for your life ? drop the expectation of how you…

Start small. Start slow. Start with familiar.

Start small. Start slow. Start with familiar.? Then expand, learn and grow from there. ✨ if you desire to become a…

When the foundation is strong, there can be even more freedom to explore.

When the foundation is strong, there can be even more freedom to explore. The more structure and intention (through…

Breathe. Take it all in. 

Breathe. Take it all in. Let go of what no longer makes you happy and find what it is that does. Only give your time to…

What a amazing experience, to be able to teach and practice in this magical place.

What a amazing experience, to be able to teach and practice in this magical place. The freedom of the ocean, the waves…

Shake the cold from your toes, and let the west coast walk you hom

Shake the cold from your toes, and let the west coast walk you home?Shake the cold from your heart, if at all, and let…

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla.

Ancient sages from the lineage of Shaiva Tantra, recognized that a pulsing energy, which they called spanda, is at the…

Hiriketiya – Sri Lanka

L'emozione indescrivibile dell'oceano, delle onde e di tutto quello che ti circonda quando sei in paesi nuovi e ti…

Water teaches us four important lessons

Water teaches us four important lessons: what you see is often your projection what is soft can also be powerful…